10 February, 2007

Hat Progress, & Toe-Up Sock

My DD's hat is finished except for a pom-pom. I was surprised that she wanted a pom-pom on it. I'll have to look up how to make one, because it's been at least 7 years since I made one last! I remember doing a search for pom-pom instructions back then, and being surprised by the, shall we say, "non-knitting" search results.

Even in bright sunlight, the colours still look a bit orangey, instead of how pretty pink it really is.

The colour is also too orangey in the sock photo; all the orange is really a medium red. This is my first attempt at a toe-up sock, following the tutorial on www.socknitters.com. I don't care for how the heel looks, although it feels OK when worn. I will pull it out and do it over, because I think I had to have not followed the instructions properly. I'm working on another toe-up sock from http://www.needletrax.com/toeupon2circulars.htm and it seems to be turning out much better. Phew!
Another glitch I encountered is that the above 2 socks came from supposedly the same dye lot of Big Mexiko, and I had intended them to match, VBG. Obviously one of the skeins had the wrong label on it! I'm compensating by adding in another yarn to make a matching pair out of each 50g skein. In this case, I'm adding Brigg's and Little Regal. C'est la vie! :DGuess who got curious as I was snapping photos of knits?

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