04 September, 2007

Flickering Flames Cloth

Click here for PDF
Scraps of Worsted-Weight Cotton, in "fire" colours
4mm needles

yo=bring yarn to front of needle
ssk=slip 1 st to righthand needle, knitways; slip another stitch knitways, place left needle into front of slipped stitches, & knit them together.

Cast on 40 stitches.
Rows 1 & 3: K1, P1 across row.
Rows 2 & 4: P1, K1 across row.
Row 5: (K1, P1)x2, knit across row, (K1, P1)x2.
Row 6 & all even-numbered rows: (P1, K1)x2, purl across row, (P1, K1)x2.
Row 7: (K1, P1)x2, k3, (ssk, k5, yo)x4, k1, (K1, P1)x2.
Row 9: (K1, P1)x2, k3, (ssk, k4, yo, k1)x4, k1, (K1, P1)x2.
Row 11: (K1, P1)x2, k3, (ssk, k3, yo, k2)x4, k1, (K1, P1)x2.
Row 13: (K1, P1)x2, k3, (ssk, k2, yo, k3)x4, k1, (K1, P1)x2.
Row 15: (K1, P1)x2, k3, (ssk, k1, yo, k4)x4, k1, (K1, P1)x2.
Row 17: (K1, P1)x2, k3, (ssk, yo, k5)x4, k1, (K1, P1)x2.
*If desired, change colours here.
Row 19: (K1, P1)x2, k1, (yo, k5, k2tog), k3, (K1, P1)x2.
Row 21: (K1, P1)x2, k2, (yo, k4, k2tog, k1)x4, k2, (K1, P1)x2.
Row 23: (K1, P1)x2, k3, (yo, k3, k2tog, k2)x4, k1, (K1, P1)x2.
Row 25: (K1, P1)x2, k4, (yo, k2, k2tog, k3)x4, (K1, P1)x2.
Row 27: (K1, P1)x2, k5, (yo, k1, k2tog, k4)x3, yo, k1, k2tog, k3, (K1, P1)x2.
Row 29: (K1, P1)x2, k6, (yo, k2tog, k5)x3, yo, k2tog, k3, (K1, P1)x2.
*If desired, change colours here.
Repeat rows 6-29.
Repeat row 6.
Repeat row 5.
Repeat rows 2 & 4.
Repeat rows 1 & 3.
Cast off.

You may print a copy of this pattern for your personal enjoyment, and make copies for your friends, as long as this copyright notice is included. You may not reproduce this pattern in any publication, nor may you sell it for profit without prior permission from the author.
Copyright 2007 Sept 04.
Designed, knit & photographed by Shirley Ann Thompson


Jules said...

GORGEOUS! I'm imagining it in blues...even though it's supposed to be "Flickering Firelight".;)lol

susanmark said...

Shirley I love this pattern. when I saw it I knew it would be perfect for the new Pinky Stripes yarn. I am almost done with one.I'm going to put it on my blog when it's done.
Thank you for this gorgeous pattern.


SewIknit2 said...

Those knitted patterns are gorgeous and very yummy scrummy! and a lovely way to try it out with an actual project too! and free! too! what more could a discerning knitter want!!

how is the PDF's working out?
I shall link you to my blog in order that I can read you more regularly!

susanmark said...

Shirley, I knit it in PINKY Stripes. it's Gorgeous. It's on my blog.


Thank you.