18 October, 2008

I Have a Rhonchus in My Bronchus

Actually, I have many, many rhonchi. Maybe that makes me a Rhonchiosaurus! RAWR! er, I mean, wheeeeze...

I am having an asthma exacerbation at present. This involves a whole lot of resting, wheezing, drinking fluids, inhaling medications, coughing, and feeling spaced-out. Not much knitting, though. I don't seem able to concentrate well enough. I've been ordered off work for a while by my doctor. I hope to re-activate my knitting mojo soon!

Canadian Lung Association's Asthma Pages.


SewIknit2 said...

oh no! poor you! I'm signed off work too sew can sympathise! hope you feel better soon!

Jules said...

You poor thing!:( Take care!!!!!!!