09 October, 2008


I had the idea a few days ago to make some little squishy toys for my DD. She has anxiety and sensory issues, and the Occupational therapist had recommended having a few little quiet toys at school to help her stay calm. So I looked for a knitted ball pattern.

I couldn't find exactly what I wanted, so I adapted this pattern to make a ball-shape. I found a few crochet patterns, but I really wanted a knit pattern to make the surface as soft as possible (she loves soft things). :) I made one ball out of Caron Simply Soft Thick (and it went to school without a photo), and then used Bernat Bamboo for the ball in the photo.
Photobucket Photobucket
Then, I tried to come up with a cube, but it ended up a bit more rectangular than square. :)

The "recipe" for the cube is as follows: I cast on 6 stitches, knit 6 rows in stocking stitch, then a raised row, then 6 rows st st, etc., until 4 sides were knitted in a continuous strip. The raised rows were the “fold lines”, for the edges of each side of the cube. For each end of the cube, I cast on 6 st, and knit 6 rows in moss stitch. That way, 4 sides are smooth and 2 are bumpy, for some sensory contrast. All the shapes are stuffed with polyester fiberfill. PhotobucketNext, I'll try a heart. :D

1 comment:

Jules said...

Splendid idea!:) Have you seen the tag blankies for kids/babies? Where you use a couple of squares of fabric & sew folded ribbons all the way around? It's different textures, widths, and lengths for them to rub, or look at. I'll email you a picture of one I made for Gray if you want. Carson likes it too.:)